Thursday, 31 May 2012

i wanna :)

assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera :) make it more simpler . i just wanna be somebody that everyone couldn't recognize . be someone who doesn't have heart . be someone who doesn't care at all . be someone who don't have any feelings . be someone who always be happy with my life . be someone who didn't show her feelings to anybody .

i think i am a go0d actor , but sorry . i'm not . i'm just a girl who show her feelings to make her life happy . the girl who do not know how to hide her face when having some problem . i'm just me .

thankyouu my friends for accepting me as your friends :)

sincerely from nadya :)


  1. yourself...bak kate sir..suke petik kata2 sir coz kata2 sir gak la y bnyak bg kte smgat..ermm...jngn ubah dri sebab seseorg..kesian kat kwn2 ko y da mmg trime ko seadanyer...kteorg nk nad y dulu..ade mslh..share la nad..mungkin kte n ko bru pshbtn ta kenal tempoh bape lame..ade y da kenal lame tp tikam blkang..y bru kenal la y jd kwn smpai bile2..ape2..bgtaw la kteowg eyhh...

    1. love to share something ngn korang . tapi masa tak mengizinkan . tunggu balik ukm ke maybe :) tunggu ye :)

  2. Nad,

    First of all, we have to be grateful, even with anything that seems to be a shortcoming to any of us, we are blessed with complete limbs and organs. Moreover, we can move around and do what other people capable of doing. So, for today, let's start with being grateful. Till the next session.

    z z

    1. sir , thanks sebab selalu nasihat saya . walaupun saya tahu ramai orang yang sayang saya , ramai orang yang amek berat pasal saya . tapi , kadang2 saya rasa saya susahkan semua orang sebab kene tahu masalah sy .

  3. slm,,,my dear nad..u cant be somebody else,,bcos u r not them. Nad hargailah diri kmu yg sedia ada,,sbb kalo kmu jd org lain kmu akn myeksa org lain yg mnyayangi kmu seadanya,,kdg2 kite lupe mcm ne 1 hari t kte brubah bukn kte minx tp sbb sakit,, cntoh mak n abg akk tga sakit yg mnyebabkn kteowg perlu an mse n byk cre tuk pulih an mak n abg akk...akk smpai xkenai sape mak n abg akk lg,sakit sgt nad bile kte tpkse tgu mse yg lme tuk mereka jd seperti yg dulu,tp akk reda ini dugaan Allah,Nad jgn sedih...Allah tu an pnyayang die pilih kite sbb Allah tau kite bole hadapinya :) Nad sgt untung sebenarnye sbb Nad bole show ur feeling to people..kdg akk pun nk jd mcm ni hope org tau akk ade perasaan tp xtau la nape x keluar..huhu ^.^ smile k :)

    1. thanks akk . kadang2 bila jadi camni , sy terlupa yg ade org lain ada maslah lagi besar dr sy . thanks sebab igtkan :)

  4. nad,,,jgn paksa diri jd seseorang yg lain yg pada hakikatnya kau langsung x boleh..jd je laa diri kau sendiri,,kalau kau x jd diri kau,,sape nk jadi nadya ishak???orang lain???tentu akan jd lain...any problem,kami ada,,insyaAllah sedaya upaya kami cuba..

    1. thabkss iema . aku tahu takde sape yg bole jadi nadya isahak selain aku . maybe sebab benda ni buat aku stress sampai aku nak jadi org lain . thanks for giving me support :)

  5. xtau nk comment pew coz pew yg nk tlis..semua dh trtulis kat atas...huhuhu...
